Miriam Wenger Landis has written another excellent, realistic journey about professional ballet dancers. If I were to break the novel into four parts, I have to say the second fourth was not as compelling as the rest of the novel. The first fourth re -introduces us to Anna from Girl In Motion/5(34). Breaking Pointe: A Ballet Novel by Miriam Wenger-Landis (, Trade Paperback). · If anything, Breaking Pointe is a lesson in the importance of self-knowledge. I recommend it in earnest."—www.doorway.ru "Miriam Wenger-Landis' two ballet-themed novels are helping to create a new genre for an untapped market." —www.doorway.ru _____ Praise for GIRL IN MOTION by Miriam Wenger-Landis.
Beautiful ballet book. Book Title: Breaking Pointe A Ballet Novel. Author: Miriam Wenger-Landis. Description: The people, the excitement, and the beauty of dancers were the story of my life. 15 books based on 20 votes: Ballet Boy by Anfaney Gladwin, Tutu Much by Airin Emery, Breaking Pointe: A Ballet Novel by Miriam Wenger-Landis, Tap In by A. Breaking Pointe: A Ballet Novel. by. Miriam Wenger-Landis (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · ratings · 8 reviews. "The people, the excitement, and the beauty of dancers were the story of my life." When eighteen-year-old dancer Anna Linado began her professional ballet career with the prestigious Los Angeles Ballet Theatre, she.
Breaking Pointe: A Ballet Novel: Wenger-Landis, Miriam: Books - www.doorway.ru Skip to main www.doorway.ru Hello Select your address. Miriam Wenger Landis has written another excellent, realistic journey about professional ballet dancers. If I were to break the novel into four parts, I have to say the second fourth was not as compelling as the rest of the novel. The first fourth re -introduces us to Anna from Girl In Motion. Breaking Pointe by Miriam Wenger-Landis, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.