· Scarlet Witch and Vision have enough challenges in their marriage; she is a hot blooded mystic mutant, while Vision is a calculating automaton. Together they are an unstoppable force in battle. In their first issue, Scarlet Witch faces a gaggle of demonic foes on Halloween/5. Next up are the four issues of the “Vision and Scarlet Witch” mini series written by Bill Mantlo with Rick Leonardi leading the art team. First published in , there is no overarching plot in these comics outside of Vision and Scarlet Witch trying to find their place in the world after leaving the Avengers/5(72). The Vision and the Scarlet Witch are an unconventional couple. The The Vision since his creation has discovered he’s an android created by Ultron, with brainwaves of Simon Williams, and the body of the original Human Torch. Scarlet Witch is a mutant with a twin brother named Quicksilver and a murky past involving their parentage/5.
Written by Steve Englehart (Avengers Giant-Size #4) and Bill Mantlo (Vision and the Scarlet Witch #), Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch collects the characters' marriage and early limited series. The collection features art by Don Heck on Avengers Giant-Size #4 (June ) and Rick Leonardi on Vision and the Scarlet Witch # popularity original publication year title average rating number of pages. Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch. by. Bill Mantlo, Steve Englehart, Don Heck, Rick Leonardi (Illustrator) avg rating — ratings — published — 8 editions. Want to Read. Englehart then had Vision and Scarlet Witch marry in Giant-Size Avengers #4 (June ). Years later, the couple starred in the first limited series called The Vision and the Scarlet Witch # (Nov. - Feb. ), by writer Bill Mantlo and penciller Rick Leonardi. The mini-series showed Vision and Wanda moving into a house in Leonia.
Scarlet Witch and Vision have enough challenges in their marriage; she is a hot blooded mystic mutant, while Vision is a calculating automaton. Together they are an unstoppable force in battle. In their first issue, Scarlet Witch faces a gaggle of demonic foes on Halloween. We got Don Heck who was one of those awful, old school bullpen artists who managed to maintain his job way too long. The Vision and Scarlet Witch Limited series from is better than the lead feature with art by Rick Leonardi and written by Bill Mantlo. All in all this book is nothing to write home about. Read more. Vision and the Scarlet Witch #, (November – February ) Written by Bill Mantlo. Pencilled by Rick Leonardi. Inked by Ian Akin, Brian Garvey. Colour by Bob Sharen (#), George.