Ebook {Epub PDF} White Bikini Panties by Kelly James-Enger

White Bikini Panties Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. White Bikini Panties by Kelly James Enger. Publication date Topics Modern fiction, Fiction - General, Fiction, General, Dating User Interaction Count: White Bikini Panties explores these questions during a six-month span of Trina’s life. This first-person “chick lit” novel will appeal to readers of women’s contemporary www.doorway.ru: Smashwords Edition. And just like that, Trina's go along-get along world is gone. Now, the girl who has always followed the rules--work hard, get good grades, get a good job, and you'll be set--is throwing it all away and reshaping her life, starting with her underwear drawer. Goodbye sensible, white bikini panties; hello thongs and sexy push-up bras.

Will she find Mr. Right? Can Jane's tarot cards predict the future? And is thong underwear really the answer for a white-bikini-panty-type of girl? Related collections and offers. Product Details; About the Author; Product Details. BN ID: Publisher: Kelly James-Enger: Publication date: 05/21/ Sold by: Smashwords: Format. [PDF] White Bikini Panties | by Kelly James-Enger. - PM; Kelly James-Enger; Books; Comments; Title: White Bikini Panties; Author: Kelly James-Enger; ISBN: ; Page: ; Format: Paperback; Kelly James-Enger. I escaped from the law on January 1, , leaving behind a legal career to become a fulltime. White Bikini Panties, Kelly James-Enger, Smashwords Edition. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction.

White Bikini Panties by Kelly James Enger, November 1, , Kensington edition, Paperback in English. James-Enger sympathetically captures Trina's workaday doldrums, shines a realistic light on family problems and doesn't settle for superficial solutions to romantic dilemmas. Readers looking for an escape from dull jobs and everyday worries may find it all a little too familiar, but it's the very ordinariness of the story that appeals. White Bikini Panties explores these questions during a six-month span of Trina's life. This first-person "chick lit" novel will appeal to readers of women's contemporary fiction. They'll relate to Trina and her struggle to heal her broken heart and find her place both in her family and the world at large while she learns about tarot cards, body language, and the mysterious allure of thong underwear along the way.


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