“The Elephant”, , a short story by Sławomir Mrożek Posted by Stylistyczne Tłumaczenia. The Director of the Zoological Gardens turned out to be an www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 8 mins. · The Elephant by Sławomir Mrozek. Nicholas Lezard on parables of the absurd. "It is well known that the elephant is a sluggish animal and it Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. · The facility lacks some of the major animals that zoos should have, most notably an elephant. As Sawomir Mroek observes, three thousand rabbits are no .
Sławomir Mrożek + Follow Similar authors to follow + + + See more recommendations Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. OK The Elephant (Penguin Modern Classics) Paperback - 6 May by Slawomir Mrozek (Author), Konrad Syrop (Translator) out. Sławomir Mrożek 's The Elephant (, tr. Konrad Syrop) is a collection of very short stories and sketches - more than 40 in pages - offering parody and satire of Poland under a totalitarian regime. Mrożek is predominantly known as a playwright, but these stories, written in his mids, show a full talent for prose. The Elephant, ) was an immediate success. In the late s he abandoned journalism to write plays, the first of which, Policja [the police] (), was followed by eight short dramas. After leaving the Polish Communist party in , Mrożek lived in Italy (), France (), and Mexico ().
THE ELEPHANT by SŁAWOMIR MROŻEK. Translated from the Polish by Konrad Syrop THE DIRECTOR AT THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS HAD SHOWN himself to be an upstart. He regarded his animals simply as stepping stones on the road of his own career. He was indifferent to the educational importance of his establishment. The facility lacks some of the major animals that zoos should have, most notably an elephant. As Sawomir Mroek observes, three thousand rabbits are no substitute for “the noble giant.”. On. “The Elephant”, , a short story by Sławomir Mrożek Posted by Stylistyczne Tłumaczenia. The Director of the Zoological Gardens turned out to be an opportunist.