Ebook {Epub PDF} MOsbURAnd by Ray Fracalossy

 · Ray Fracalossy's "Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland" is a strange and wonderful book with a surreal/absurdist sensibility akin to a painting by Magritte. Many other comparisons come to mind -- J.G. Ballard, Richard Brautigan, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. are all kindred spirits to this dream-like tome that explores (in a semi-serious, serio-comic manner /5(25). absurdity on the table like a slab of beef. Fracalossy's surreal and psychotic hallucination is hysterical, romantically short-lived and madness; all spun together into outlandish antics that may just remove a part of your face. Including two new tales and the novelette "mOsbURand." "Wow this is f-ing rad who is this writer?" --Kurt.  · Ray Fracalossy's "Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland" is a strange and wonderful book with a surreal/absurdist sensibility akin to a painting by Magritte. Many other comparisons come to mind -- J.G. Ballard, Richard Brautigan, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. are all kindred spirits to this dream-like tome that explores (in a semi-serious, serio-comic manner /5(25).

Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland-Ray Fracalossy The return of Vinegar Wasteland slaps the absurdity on the table like a slab of beef. Fracalossy's surreal and psychotic hallucination is hysterical, romantically short-lived and madness; all spun together into outlandish antics that may just remove a part of your face. The Much Delayed Ray Fracalossy Interview One of my favorite writers, whom I stumbled upon almost accidentally at the (currently non-operational) New Absurdist, author of Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland (rereleased by LegumeMan), Ray Fracalossy, allowed me to pester him with a few questions. Ray Fracalossy is the author of Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland ( avg rating, 53 ratings, 12 reviews, published ), mOsbURAnd ( avg rating, 7.

“mOsbURand,” follows the weird and ultimately pointless journey of Leopold, who searches for his dead son despite the fact he never had a son. mOsbURAnd By Ray Fracalossy Leopold receives a telegram in a dream, informing him that h son is dead With the arrival of this most unfortunate news Leopold, ignoring claims that he has no son, sets of on an Leopold, ignoring claims that he has no son, sets of on an adventure to find him and say goodbye What follows is an absurdist, three part melodrama, so nonsensical that it actually makes. www.doorway.ru: Tales from the Vinegar Wasteland (): Fracalossy, Ray: Books Skip to main www.doorway.ru Hello Select your address.


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