St Adomnan of Iona was born in Ireland c, a descendant of St Columba's grandfather. In he became the ninth abbot of Iona. He played an important role in persuading the northern Irish churches to adopt the Catholic date for Easter, but his most famous work is /5(68). The life of St. Columba, as detailed by Adomnan of Iona in his Vita Columbae (cAD) is vital source of information about life in the sixth century, and of religious belief in that century. The Vita Columbae contains the first reference to King Arthur, details of the Loch Ness monster, and the battles between those of Christian faith, and the Picts and their pagan beliefs/5(). · Life of Saint Columba, founder of Hy. Written by Adamnan. Edited by William Reeves by Adamnan, Saint, ?; Reeves, William, Publication date Topics Columba, Saint, Publisher Edinburgh Edmonston and Douglas Collection robarts; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto.
The relics of St. Columba were first buried at Iona. But two hundred years later, after the destruction of the monastery by the Vikings, parts were translated to Dunkeld in , while parts were taken to Ireland, to Downpatrick, County Down, with St. Patrick and St. Brigid, or at Saul Church in neighbouring Downpatrick. Life of Saint Columba, founder of Hy. Written by Adamnan. Edited by William Reeves by Adamnan, Saint, ?; Reeves, William, Publication date Topics Columba, Saint, Publisher Edinburgh Edmonston and Douglas Collection robarts; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto. Adomnán or Adamnán of Iona (c. ), also known as Eunan (from Irish: Naomh Adhamhnán), was an abbot of Iona Abbey (r. ), hagiographer, statesman, canon jurist, and was the author of the most important book on the life of his cousin St. Columba and the promulgator of the Law of Adomnán or Law of Innocents (Latin: Lex Innocentium).
Life of St Columba. Adomnan of Iona, Adamnanus (de Iona) Penguin Books Limited, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 1 Review. Although related to one of the ruling families of. The life of St. Columba, as detailed by Adomnan of Iona in his Vita Columbae (cAD) is vital source of information about life in the sixth century, and of religious belief in that century. The Vita Columbae contains the first reference to King Arthur, details of the Loch Ness monster, and the battles between those of Christian faith, and the Picts and their pagan beliefs. Founding father of the famous monastery on the island of Iona, a site of pilgrimage ever since his death in , St Columba was born into one of the ruling families in Ireland at a time of immense.