“Early Christian Writings” is a remarkable collection of several works by the prominent and well-known Apostolic Fathers: Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Ignatius of Antioch, etc. We discover that the faith and the themes that these writings represented were indeed a product of orthodox Christian thought, and easily reconcilable with both our own theological understanding and the New Testament writings/5(). apostolic fathers maxwell staniforth, but stop in the works in harmful downloads. Rather than enjoying a fine book considering a cup of coffee in the afternoon, otherwise they juggled behind some harmful virus inside their computer. early christian writings the apostolic fathers maxwell staniforth is manageable in our digital library Page 1/8. A selection of letters and small-scale theological treatises from a group known as the Apostolic Fathers, several of whom were probably disciples of the Apostles, they provide a first-hand account of the early Church and outline a form of early Christianity still drawing on the theology and traditions of its parent religion, Judaism/5().
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Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers (Classics) - Kindle edition by Andrew Louth, Louth, Andrew, Staniforth, Maxwell. Religion Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ www.doorway.ru “Early Christian Writings” is a remarkable collection of several works by the prominent and well-known Apostolic Fathers: Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Ignatius of Antioch, etc. We discover that the faith and the themes that these writings represented were indeed a product of orthodox Christian thought, and easily reconcilable with both our own theological understanding and the New Testament writings. Early Christian writings: the Apostolic Fathers. by. Staniforth, Maxwell. Publication date. Topics. Apostolic Fathers, Theology, Doctrinal, Apostolic Fathers, Theology, Doctrinal, Apostolic Fathers Christian doctrine Anthologies. Publisher.