Like Joe Klein, Adams published his book anonymously and skewered a number of contemporary politicians (including President Rutherford B. Hayes). But Adams goes two steps further: his novel is a scathing commentary more on the American political system in general than on one administration in particular, and his characters are iconic and recognizable in any era/5(39). · Henry Adams was a scion of the famous Adams family which produced two American Preisdents in John and his son John Quincy. Henry Adams () is best known as the author of "Mont Saint Michel", "Chartes" and his influential autobiography, "The Education of Henry Adams.' Adams wrote "Democracy" in publishing it anonymously/5(5). 15 rows · · Democracy - An American Novel. Henry Brooks Adams ( - ) Not .
Henry Brooks Adams (Febru - Ma) was an American historian and a member of the Adams political family, descended from two U.S. Presidents.. As a young Harvard graduate, he served as secretary to his father, Charles Francis Adams, Abraham Lincoln's ambassador to the United Kingdom. The posting influenced the younger man through the experience of wartime diplomacy, and. Not until after his death in was it revealed that Henry Adams was the anonymous author of Democracy, which had been published to great acclaim in Though the book avoids dates and the characters are fictitious, the setting is no doubt that of Washington in the s, the age of Presidents. First published anonymously, March , and soon in various unauthorized editions. It wasn't until the edition that Adams was listed as author. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life."—it was very popular, as reader.
Democracy is a novel about political power, its acquisition, use and abuse. It is set at the beginning of a new administration, with the election campaign just over and the new President of the United States just having been elected. However, all the characters depicted are entirely fictitious. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Democracy An American Novel Author: Henry Adams Release Date: Decem [EBook #] Last Updated: Ma Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK DEMOCRACY AN AMERICAN NOVEL *** Produced by An Anonymous Volunteer, and David Widger. Democracy: An American Novel is a political novel written by Henry Brooks Adams and published anonymously in Only after the writer's death in did his publisher reveal Adams's authorship although, upon publication, the novel had immediately become popular. Contemporaneous conjecture placed the book under the joint authorship of Clarence King, John Hay and Henry Adams and their spouses who lived side by side on H street in Washington, D.C. and were collectively sometimes called "the Fiv.